Professional qualification course on the subject: „Selection, breeding of honey bee and production of colony queen bees, drones and swarms”.
In relation to the requirements in the Law on beekeeping (art. 19, par. 3, p. 3) and Ordinance No. 47 (art. 12, p. 6), a professional qualification course on the subject: „Selection, breeding of honey bee and production of colony queen bees, drones and swarms” was held in the period from 14 to 18 December 2015 in the city of Gabrovo.
The event was held by the Bulgarian beekeepers’ breeding association. The course was taught by prof. Doctor of Agricultural sciences Petar Nenchev from the National center for professional training in the system of commercial and industrial chambers in Bulgaria. The curriculum offered the participants theoretical knowledge and practical skills for selection and breeding of honey bees, colony queen bees, drones and swarms.
Many of BBBA’s members and interested beekeepers participated in the course.
After an evaluation of their knowledge, those who successfully completed the course received a certificate for professional qualification “Specialist in selection and breeding of honey bee and production of colony queen bees, drones and swarms”.