THE BULGARIAN BEEKEEPERS’ BREEDING ASSOCIATION is a national representative organization whose activity is focused on a specific section of beekeeping – reproduction of genetic material and production of queen bees. The association unites professional beekeepers sharing best practices and employing new technologies for creation and development of highly productive and well adapted honey bees. The aim of selection activity is to create high-quality queen bees and swarms in accordance with indicators guaranteeing their classification as Bulgarian honey bee.
The association’s aims include activities related to maintaining the ecological equilibrium and biodiversity in nature, as well as conservation of local populations of Bulgarian honey bee.

BBBA has at its disposal its own material base for research and production of queen bees and swarms and develops selection programs and methods for improvement of the used species. Through constant research and development activity the association aims to improve and refine the breeding work with bees to achieve queen bees’ high fertility and honey producing bee families with valuable biological and economic qualities.
BBBA supports and protects beekeepers’ interests by engaging with government and legislative bodies when applying policy in the field of beekeeping.
The Association’s management body is the Management board elected by the General assembly.
The management board consists of activists encouraged to contribute with their views and experience to the future role and development of BBBA. The members of MB are elected for a one-year term, which guarantees democratic processes in the association’s activity.
President of the Management Board:
Rosimir Stanchev Mateev
Members of the Management Board:
Andon Gospodinov Gospov
Ivan Nikolov Kozhuharov
Evgeni Todorov Petkov
Lubomir Petrov Grigorov
Ivan Jordanov Jordanov
Iliyan Emilov Musev
Members of the Supervisory Board:
Georgi Ivanov Hristov
Mincho Zhelev Minchev