To the members of the Management board of BBBA
To the members of the Control board of BBBA
In accordance with art. 20, p. 1 of the BBBA Statute we hereby invite the members of the Management and Control board of the Association to the meeting, which will be held on November 7, 2015 (Saturday), at 11:00 in the city of Gabrovo, 14, “Emanuil Manolov” str, “Gabrovo” hall of the “Balkan” hotel complex.
The meeting’s agenda will be as follows:
- Charting specific actions in relation to acquiring a license and commencing BBBA’s breeding activity;
- Establishing and accepting BBBA’s statement regarding the new Ordinance No. 15;
- Establishing and accepting BBBA’s statement regarding the new National beekeeping program for the period 2017–2019;
- Admission of new members of BBBA;
- Discussion of the organization and establishing the agenda of the upcoming Annual General assembly of BBBA;
- Preparation of report on the Association’s activity in 2015.
- Others.